Saturday, June 06, 2009

goals and going nowhere

yikes. 一眨眼一个星期就过去了。我想我应该先给自己设下一些实际的目标,不然我又会浪费我宝贵的假期。and oh my, i almost sound coherent. anyway, yes i need to set some goals for myself, other than to finish the dresden files series by jim butcher. so... short term goals, aka before i fly off.

1. finish my part of the report for smp? oh who am i kidding. but i really am trying :D
2. acquire a pair of ripped jeans, either through skilled handling of sandpaper and razor or through sneaky purchases in the dead of the night afternoon
3. ... somehow goal setting just isn't my thing.

and maybe i should stick to something general, like getting 8 hours of sleep a day or finishing all my homework before the end of the world holidays.

screw it's too cold for me to think straight. oh and prince got sterilised today o.O now he's in the next room rolling around drunkenly. poor guy. oh and he has an ear infection. double owie. but on the bright side, now that he no longer functions on testosterone, he'll probably stop going out and getting in fights which he obviously don't win. and... gah can't be bothered to think. 我的高级华文‘O’水准完蛋了!heh, my chinese :/

anyway, the moth is still there :O