Sunday, September 11, 2011

a day of prelim prep

pvsp was super fun; it's been too long since i last played ultimate and im damn unfit and damn lost all the time but it was still awesomeeeee~ prelim prep <3 i can't believe we got 3rd, completely unexpected but a very pleasant surprise :D

MAF was really nice too, especially since i actually got to stay for sodache this year n.n jumping around with the ultimate people even though our calves were gonna fall off + screaming/singing (?) at the top of our voices + no joining of human trains phew. hahas the school dances were super hilarious, mostly making things up along the way while surreptitiously following some other girl who seemed to know what she was doing, which i obviously didnt lol. it was fun ttm even though i only managed to get 2 passable instax shots (shall not try using my instax for night shots again unless extremely desperate)

my last MAF and first PvsP as a HC student; i'm really glad i went ^^