lots and lots of things to be happy about right now. yesterday was completely awesome doing all sorts of random things during class time and taking pictures and signing in grad mags. graduation ceremony was ok, being exciting but really hot and a little boring and sal was hyperventilating next to me (though that sort of contradicts boring. actually it was kinda scary. ok very scary. poor zinc). anyway the after was awesome. lots of food + donuts + ice cream + taboo. and tanny seems to have lost more hair :/ and i can't believe we got home so late. like we reached eunos at 11.20pm and it would have been midnight or something if we hadn't taken a cab.
i guess it's no surprise i completely couldn't stay awake during chinese supplementary today cause it was so damn early and i was so freaking tired. being sleep deprived should be illegal. they should lock me up and make me sleep. not that that would take a lot of effort from them, whoever them is. and it wouldn't hurt if they gave me a snape doll to hug :)
anyway, came home after chinese and slept all the way till dinner when i got rudely woken up to be informed that my sis has decided to name her hamsters ham and bacon. when i was properly awake, about 2hours later, i told her to rename them to bacon and cheese, which really sounds and tastes much better. and dinner was great because we bbq-ed lots of meat and marshmallows. the meat was good. really good. marshmallows were nice too. yum.
and the ohdoubledamn site is done so if you're bored, check it out and sign up for our mailing list or give me some comments about the layout. preview shots will be uploaded soon. can't wait for our launch :D