apparently the actual scene was in deathly hallows chapter 30, the sacking of severus snape. they were doing something about hogwart's defences when... omg! there's someone in the corridor! oh no, surely that's not...
"It is I," said a low voice.*gasps* anyway sevvie and mcgonagall rendezvous it out (ok bad choice of word and bad images) and when flitwick turns up... snape flies away -.-
From behind a suit of armor stepped Severus Snape.
With a tingle of horror, Harry saw in the distance a huge, bat-like shape flying through the darkness toward the perimeter wall.
Snape-shaped hole in the window.... ... ... honestly, i don't know why i didn't notice this in my first reading (ok maybe i was too busy being upset that snape dies. damn you nincompoops for the spoilers) but WHAT THE HELL?!
her most suave, sensous and not to forget sexy character finally appears and she uses such retarded imagery?! damn she has no respect for potion masters.
then again, once i got over the indignity of the whole scene, i realised it is kinda funny :/
credit: alicia-chan on dA
but really, poor snape. no one appreciates you much these days. (L) and random hp ranting aside, OMG SCHOOL STARTS TMR! (see who said i couldn't state the obvious :D) and so even though i should be asleep already, i'm not. and even though my hw is supposed to be done, it's not. and even though sch holidays were supposed to be extended, it's not. real depressing, no?