Wednesday, May 20, 2009

complete slacker moment (CSM?)

csm today, spent the whole time reading because i mostly couldn't see anything from where our class was seated (and couldn't be bothered to move since our class wasn't participating in any particular events that i knew of)

after that went to cine to watch... angels and demons :D which is really bloody brilliant and absolutely cool. the half-angel-demon statue is just so disturbing its... beautiful :O and the movie is really very good, what with the whole rollercoaster of emotions and all. and i'm quite glad i read the book quite some time ago because that way i wouldn't be utterly confused but i didn't remember enough to ruin the suspense with subconscious-spoilers. and though rather irrelevant, i kept asking ying how vittoria managed to run and do all sorts of complex maneuvers in heels.

after movie was shopping and spent too much money on too little things. zinc sming addie xeo spent a really long time at the ice lemon tee sale because it was so cheap and i'm not sure if i regret not buying anything from there. but in the end ended up spending a lot more money because of the belt and ring D: sigh; penny wise, pound foolish. (for the record i still don't know how much a penny/pound is worth :/)

oh and poor jen was feeling a lot like a guy because she didnt actually feel like buying anything. gah and it took a whole bunch of people to coerce her into buying earrings (did she buy them in the end?) D: jen you must have defective genes or something because shopping should be like... instinctive to all females :O or you could just be a lot smarter than the rest of us and realised that shopping is actually this big evil thing that sucks up money non-stop -.-

and that's about it and omgomgomgomg twopointfour tomorrow and i'm totally not prepared. shucks.

note to self: stick that joey kangaroo plaster on the blister tomorrow morning.