Tuesday, May 12, 2009


i hate the way time seems to zoom pass. it's quite depressing the way you're looking forward to a short break during the weekend but before you know it, it's over and you haven't done any of the things you'd been planning to do.

sometimes i wonder if our concept of time is all just some bastard's way of screwing with us for his own amusement. every minute feels like a second and an hour seems like so much less. can't we just call a minute a second and a minute an hour and so on so forth. of course, that would only apply to weekends since they're so rare :D

and then... the ever elusive public holidays. why can't the world just stop for one day. like everyone not work and do nothing. if teachers don't work students won't have to go to school. if companies close down for the day people don't have to go to work. if nobody works they don't have to live the house. if nobody lives the house nobody would have to work anyway cause there won't be any customers. and if there aren't any customers companies dont have to open because there'd be no point and they won't lose out to other companies if they all close down. why can't thepersonupthere just drown the whole earth in knockout gas?

now wouldn't that be positively delightful.

then again, ... you know what i don't care about the flipside. i just want to sleep for 24 hours, consequences be damned. but since the world moves on, i obviously don't have that luxury if i want to avoid waking up to find an impossible-to-finish amount of homework. and i can predict there'll be those people who'd rather go to school than to rest and enjoy life. well, good for you; you must orgasming all day long.

oh screw my illogical logic. i'm utterly braindead right now. but what i really don't understand is, what's the hurry?