i just finished reading this book jen lent me (boot camp by todd strasser) and the story pissed me off so badly... i have no idea where to start. but since the langarts/ih essay writing techniques have been as thoroughly drilled into me as the importance of brushing both the front and back of my teeth, i shall do this in a somewhat systematic manner.
for starters, BLOODY&*%$*%@)!!&%!@SHIT. people who start boot camps are utterly inhumane opportunists. they take advantage of parents who somehow aren't sastified with the way their kids turned out. so if they cant raise them properly, then why not pay someone else to do it? they don't even have to get their hands dirty! mygoodness, if some camp requires you to sign contracts giving them the right to dual out physical punishments then if you had any brains at all you can propably figure out what's going to happen. BUT THEY STILL DO IT ANYWAY. urgh!
yet people have all that debate about abortions and all that crap about the sanctity of life and here you have parents who willingly give permission for their children to be tortured and be beaten up and put through immensely cruel regimes. all this because their kids aren't what they wanted. so blahblahblah they send their kids off to the camp and they don't have to worry about their conscience since they're not the ones humiliating their kids and stripping them of any self-respect they might have had. all this because they want their kids to be of a certain mould and effingcraplikethat. if life worked that way we'd be buying zygotes from the departmental store. oh, what colour would you like it in, ma'am?
and i'm not done ranting yet. cause sure the people who set up the camps are the most money-hungry, greedy, low-life-ass-kissing-butt-licking bastards ever but the parents... whatthehelliswrongwiththem! children are not their property and whattheheck definitely not their second chance at life or anything like that. so what if you screwed up your life? who cares. that doesn't give you the right to dictate the life of your child. bloody give them the right to be who they want to be and if they want to screw up their lives too, then too bad for them as well. don't do that "ive been there and i know everything already so shut up and listen to me because you're opinion doesn't matter" shit. urgh. and now i'm really just ranting because i've forgotten all the points i wanted to make. and so... screw it. this is so pissifying.
What's the difference between spending your life trying to be invisible,
or pretending to be the person you think everyone wants you to be?
Either way, you're faking.