anyway... movies, yes. slumdog millionaire is really nice and there's awesome bollywood dancing at the end ;D whoever has not watched it should. and then... the curious case of benjamin button is also good, except it's sad and made me cry. but i shall not give spoilers so even though i really wanna rant about it, i won't. basically, it's a really sad love story and i have now officially joined the ranks of the hopelessly romantic.
and i've also finally watched twilight and even though i'm not a big fan, the movie actually wasn't too bad :/ ( except bella is waaaaaay too pale to be normal. and she needs to enunciate D: i could barely understand what she was saying. )
and watching three movies without subtitles made me realise i might be hearing impaired. i had a hard time catching some of the lines in both twilight and benjamin button. but omgosh it rocks to have a phone that can play movies :D now i shall jump start my ipod classic so that i can play mp4 movies on it, heehee. oh speaking of my ipod, what should i name it? so far there's silas the awesomest laptop, zaniel the sexy handphone and caleb the thumbdrive who is lost somewhere in that giant mold on my table. right now i'm considering liron but it sounds weird :/
and i got my ipod wrappppped! the skin looks... kinda weird actually and i'm having a few regrets... but whattheheck. it would have cost me 50bucks but since i got that voucher thingy i paid 10, thank god. 50 bucks is... the price my sis paid for her handphone, which happens to be exactly the same as mine -.- (and i paid 248 for mine because i got mine last year and gah starhub is a major piss off. but nvm, i love you zaniel :D)
The only truly painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.