right, now that i've climbed out of the spiralling depths of depression, i shall pull an extended analogy from legally blonde. "there is one important thing that everyone should care about... my hair. this hairstylist gave me an awful haircut, but it was my fault. i didn't get involved in the process, i just let it happen. i didn't stop him, i just let him hack away at my hair. so everyone, make a stand, have a voice."
ok i don't think anyone who hasn't watched the movie would understand that, cause i seriously reworded it and messed it up and all. but the point is, speak your mind and be heard. oh and do remember to leave a tag :D
so random crap aside, i played my first game of guitar hero today ! and it was really cool. well i kinda suck, but hey, first-timer, cut me a little slack here. i can't seem to coordinate my fingers for the guitar thing, so me and sis ended up messing with the drums while my dad figured out the guitar. and us being a non-musical family, ah the poor neighbours. sorry dom! :D (though i don't think you would have heard us, seeing as my mum was shushing us nonstop) but who knew a little white box called Wii could be so fun. and for some reason, that almost sounds like a sexual innuedo. heehee.
oh and there was this really nice christmas song playing in some shop, but i have no idea what it was! it was a male singer, and the lyrics had something about christmas (duh) being special and something about children and old folks. gah. let's hope i hear it again somewhere.
that's just how life is,
but we live it anyway.