Tuesday, November 25, 2008


gods, it took forever to make this skin. like i started in late september , then silas crashed, then i had exams, then i had after exams stuff, then i had that 3weeks shanghai trip and now... finally. and you know what? THE SKIN'S SO DAMN GROSS. gah, i can't stand it that it's black base. but still... i couldn't stand the other skin either so bah! at least this one features relatively hot guys ;)

sigh. i think when my stupid cold recovers, i will make a better one for myself. and speaking of my cold, it sucks! i woke up and had freakin conjunctivitis or something like that and it was so creepy cause my eye was all red o.O gahhh. and now that it's night, my cough decided that it was bored and im going about spasming. bah!

ok, not really in the mood to blog so... kapeesh. oh and i decided to bestow my blog with an auto play song, so... don't get irritated to death too fast ;)

Age is just a measurement
of how long we've existed in the world.
That means you can still be immature
when you're 160 years old.