Monday, September 08, 2008

movies !

eeps. i just realised that the release date for harry potter and the half-blood prince has been pushed back to 17 july 2009. and that's the USA release date, so who knows when it'll show in singapore :(

on the bright side, twilight is coming out 25 december ! but gosh, that's later than the US release date by like, 1 whole month! bah!

so i'm not sure if robert pattinson can pull off edward cullen's role in the movie, but *shrug* i mean, the one time i think i've seen him act was in harry potter and the triwizard tournament. and he sort of died not long into the movie. so yeah, not really much of an acting opportunity. but i don't really like kristen stewart as bella. she just doesn't look like how i pictured her. regardless, twilight's another movie i'm looking forward to.

vampires are hot ;)