it's saturday night and i'm sitting at home with silas in my room with the aircon at 26degrees. so the fact that it's saturday night is obvious, and since i'm blogging, duh silas is with me. and 26 degrees is just... noobish. but i think i lack a internal body heater or something, so iow i freeze about as easily as tom yam, aka chilli oil soup, makes me hungry.
and that was probably a really weird sentence. but who cares, one of these days i'm gonna lie in my front yard with cookie and we can sunbathe together. for the record, cookie does sunbathe. and i think watching my dogs is really fun.
let's start with vicky. she's like those kind of supermoms. the kind where the kids always listen to her and shes always ready-to-go and fit and all. like the pups never fight with vicky, though that could be because vicky is so much larger... but anw, vicky's probably the healthiest one of the lot. and she's rather energetic but not in the spring-about-like-a-joey-on-crack kind of energetic (that's prince), but more of a... well basically i just think of her (if she were human) as the kind who go jogging everyday and is successful in work and all. and vicky is really lovable, and shes just beautiful. so yes, if vicky was human, she'd probably be the perfect mum-cum-21st century woman.
which would have made it really unlikely that cookie and her would get together. cookie is sort of like... the fun dad. like once in awhile cookie gets into a "fight" with say amber, and it gets really cute. like kimberly and angel will join in and one will take sides while the other just stands on it's back legs and sort of tries to break them up. in the end it's just this really cute tumble of fur and paws and it's just so cute. anyway, cookies is fat, like roll-down-the-stairs fat (he actually did roll down the stairs, oh horrors of horrors) but he's so cute. and fat people are fun people. and at times i tend to think of cookie as like, a dumb blonde cause his fur is sort of blonde, though maybe slightly bleach-y. but yeahs, cookie is just so lovable too. he's really easy going and he'll just rest his cute little head on your arm and fall asleep. like aww, so affectionate, unlike that vicious cretin that goes by the name prince. bleahhh!
anyway, this post is getting really long, so i guess i'll rant about the pups another time. and i love my dogs. they all have such unique personalities and it's just so amazing. vicky cookie angel amber kimberly <3 oh you too, ginger and legolas. i really do miss the two of you.
Happiness is not about having what you want.
It's wanting what you have.
(i sprouted this to joey today in the library's toilet, for some reason. heh hehs)